วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2558

This Infographic Will Show You That It’s Never Too Late To Start

As an old Chinese adage goes, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
Always hearing about child prodigies and 20-something billionaires can make us feel dejected and worthless. We feel we’ll never make anything substantial out of our life and our dreams shall remain always unfulfilled.
You are wrong if you believe there’s any age limit for success. For those who possess a drive and a passion, age is just a number. They don’t accept sitting and waiting for a sudden change of fortune as a reasonable escape from their despairs.
There are many cases of famous people finally making it big in their later years. Joseph Conrad was one such late bloomer. Conrad, the writer of masterpieces like “Heart of Darkness,” didn’t speak English until the age of 20.
Paul Cézanne, the famous French Post-Impressionist painter, never painted until he was 20. Sylvester Stallone, of Ramboand Rocky fame, had only adult film roles by the age of 24. Rocky Marciano, who was never defeated in his entire career, didn’t pick up boxing until the age of 20.
There are even more dramatic and inspiring late-bloomer stories that prove it’s never too late to get your start. Vincent Van Gogh didn’t paint until 27. Julia Child didn’t know French cuisine until 30. She only started appearing on The French Chef after turning 51. Grandma Moses started painting until the age of 78. Fauja Singh, who became the first 100-year-old to run a marathon, started running marathons at the age of 89.
Still think it’s too late?
Never too late to start

